For the Mexico project, our class learned a lot about the culture and geography of Mexico. First, we studied the populations of certain states and cities in Mexico. We compared the amount of people that live in Mexico City to cities in the U.S. I learned that Mexico City has approximately 8 million more residents than D.C. We also studied the populations of the state of Nayarit and compared it to Texas. Next, we labeled and colored a map of Mexico and learned about Mexico’s currency, government and president. Finally, we researched 10 interesting places to visit in Mexico. Two of the places had to be from Nayarit because our book that we’re reading in class relates to Nayarit. Overall, I learned several things about Mexico. One example being that Guadalajara is the second most populous city in Mexico. I also learned that Mexico has many beautiful places to visit other than beaches.
My 2 favorite places that I picked in my slideshow are Hierve el Agua and Aqua AzulĀ because they are both waterfalls. After visiting Niagara Falls, I have been obsessed with visiting waterfalls. They are so relaxing and breathtaking.