Why Nelly Cruz is amazing!

I am doing this assignment to further my knowledge of how the Spanish language works.  How we learn Spanish can open up more job opportunities in the future.  So with doing this assignment I will further my knowledge of Spanish.  When describing someone in Spanish we are able to learn more of the Spanish language.

Nelly Cruz de Monte Cristi, Dominican Republic.  Èl es athleta profesional. Tiene treinta y Uno años.  Nelly Cruz es alto y corpulento.  Nelly Cruz es maduro y trabajador. Nelly Cruz es el jugador favorita de Senora Huggins.

Voki Project

In the process of making a voki account, first you have to  enter your email and choose a username and  password.  When you are done with this then you are able to create your character in which ever way you want. After this you can record your voice or do whatever you feel like doing with your account.  In the project that my Spanish teacher gave me, I recorded my voice using my laptop microphone.  This was very easy to record and took almost no time at all.

Personally I did not enjoy the project nor did I hate it, it was another thing to do school.  It wasen’t hard so it didn’t bother me, but I am glad it was an easy project.  Recording it was annoying when I tended mess up on a few things.  I would have to re-record my message a few times, but it wasen’t too bad.  It would have been a huge hassle if the project would have taken me like 4 hours, like some other projects Ive done.